I've watched the first installment of Joss Whedon's newest creation, "Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog". It was delightful. During the writer's strike, Joss Whedon got a small group of colleagues together to create a cheap but professional quality piece of entertainment to release on the internet. The first episode was released on Monday with the second episode being released on Thursday and the final episode being released on Saturday. All three episodes will be free to watch until Sunday July 20th.
It starts out kind of slow and quirky with Dr. Horrible in front of the screen like he's performing for a video podcast. After a couple minutes, the story starts with a very catchy song that I absolutely love. It's hard to really say much about a 10 minute short episode without spoiling anything so go watch this while it's free. After the 20th, the episodes get taken down and then released for download for a "minimal fee". So click on the link or visit www.drhorrible.com.
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